Preconception Care

A Preconception Care Visit is conducted in your home. We will take a full health history, review any blood work you may have, discuss how to identify your fertile window, make recommendations to support your body, create an individualized fertility enhancement plan,  and review logistics on working together in this process. You will then have access to Frida Care for 3 months following this visit in which I will answer any questions you may have and review any subsequent information you send me. 

Allotted time: 2-3 hours

Fee: $250

A Return Visit is a follow-up visit to discuss specific lifestyle changes you have adopted or are working on, review supplements or additional lab work, and when/whether you would like to start inseminating.

Allotted time: 1.5 hours

Fee: $150

*To book an IUI, an Initial Preconception Care Visit is required.